Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Indivisible: NY 24th Congressional District


My name is Adrienne, and I live in New York's 24th congressional district, where we are currently represented in Congress by Republican John Katko.   

Recently a group of former congressional staffers got together and created a document titled Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda. If you are someone who is concerned about what the Trump presidency will mean for the future of our country then I highly recommend you download this guide a take a look.

After reading the Indivisible Guide, I googled in hopes of finding an established activist group in NY-24 opposed to the Trump Agenda, but I came up empty.

So I felt compelled to create this blog as a means to reach out to other NY-24 residents who feel the same way I do; that we must stand up and speak out against Trump's divisive agenda and fight for a free America. I want this blog to be a place where we can keep up with current happenings in government, stay informed about how John Katko is representing us in DC, and discuss methods of ensuring that John Katko is aware of the opinions of his constituents.

I hope anyone who finds this blog feels free to introduce themselves in the comments, or to send me an email at IndivisibleNY24 at gmail dot com.


  1. This blog looks pretty quiet!

    But there's an active FACEBOOK group called KATKO WATCH / INDIVISIBLE 24th. You can go there directly at

    1. Share with your local Congressman (just plain facts)

      GOP Health Plan
      (so…we are doing this why again?)

      The people like Obamacare: latest Kaiser Poll 50% approval/44% disapproval
      The people don't like Trumpcare: Fox poll 34% approve GOP plan
      The people actually prefer a federal plan: Gallup poll 58% favor replacing the ACA with federally funded healthcare system
      The doctors don't like it: AMA opposes GOP plan
      The physicians don’t like it: the ACP opposes the GOP plan
      The pediatricians don’t like it: AAP opposes the GOP plan
      The hospitals don't like it: AHA opposes GOP plan
      Nurses don't like it: ANA opposes GOP plan
      Old folks don't like it: AARP opposes GOP plan

      Is this all about fulfilling a hollow campaign promise, and saving face?

    2. Share with your local Congressman (just plain facts)

      GOP Health Plan
      (so…we are doing this why again?)

      The people like Obamacare: latest Kaiser Poll 50% approval/44% disapproval
      The people don't like Trumpcare: Fox poll 34% approve GOP plan
      The people actually prefer a federal plan: Gallup poll 58% favor replacing the ACA with federally funded healthcare system
      The doctors don't like it: AMA opposes GOP plan
      The physicians don’t like it: the ACP opposes the GOP plan
      The pediatricians don’t like it: AAP opposes the GOP plan
      The hospitals don't like it: AHA opposes GOP plan
      Nurses don't like it: ANA opposes GOP plan
      Old folks don't like it: AARP opposes GOP plan

      Is this all about fulfilling a hollow campaign promise, and saving face?

  2. HI, I'm looking for an active Indivisible group at the Auburn/Cayuga county end of Katko's district. Any leads?
